
專營東九龍區之工商廠舖, 寫字樓物業代理服務, 提供最新之樓盤情報, 務求能讓客人找到理想合適的樓盤 Unit 2001-05, 20/F, Midas Plaza, 1 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon 九龍新蒲崗大有街1號勤達中心20樓2001-05室 Tel: 852-35831173 Fax: 852-30072440

本店係一對一教學 一路做一路講, 有咩唔明都可以直接問我, 或者我見到你手勢有問題亦可以即時更正, 適合初學、全無美甲經驗或想擁有一技旁身者, 使學員更快更易掌握技術及物料應用基礎, 保證在最短時間可掌握到一定技巧, 學後可以幫自己整還可以幫其他人整, 只需付出少少就可擁有畢生受用的技能~得益的是自己^^ 讀完課程既學生95%成功就業 80%自己開鋪 上堂後有咩唔明都可以打黎問,亦可選擇免費補堂
N美容 / 教學進修Nail's beautiful shop

聯絡方式: adress:5/F, WAH MOU FTY. BLDG.,202 -204 Choi Hung Rd., San Po Kong, KowloonHong Kong Tel: (852) 2320-0151, 2321-3828 Fax: (852) 2352-1243

Thematic Flower Shows (Hard Landscape): With active participation in each year's Hong Kong Flower Show, we design and build different kinds of displays according to the specific themes for various go
鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽新五月花園藝有限公司

We also supply imported plant materials, seeds and turf of different varieties and sizes from Thailand, Malaysia, Netherlands, US, Australia, etc. We are well experienced and specialize in handling l
鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽新五月花園藝有限公司
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